Its my sons 11th birthday. He wanted to go to Carowinds (which is 5 hours away) and after 2 years of "I want a puppy" we broke down and found one between here and there. So its time to plan. 2 Nights stay in a hotel. 12 hours total of car time.
I got a couple flavors of Atkins protein shakes, Water bottles, Sugar Free Pudding cups (Not the best option but good for dire need of food and nothing "right" available), Sugar Free Jello cubes (Food lion in the eastern NC has pouches of Sugar Free Jello cubes in the Dairy cooler), and stopped at the first off ramp that had a Wendy's to have a cup of chili on hand.
The first leg of the trip went well. I ate one pudding cup and half of the chili cup on the road.
Carowinds... they do not believe in anything sugar free or pouch friendly. You cant bring anything in but a single water bottle. I got lots of walking in since I was the designated accessories holder while the family road the rides. There was a couple slow ones that I felt comfortable with but I was content to watch.
We were at the park for 11 hours. I stopped at every food stop looking for anything I could eat that would work and there was nothing! Eventually I broke down and got a Carolina BBQ plate. With lots of chewing it went down pretty good.. the first time. I ate what I needed and wrapped the leftovers for later. 2-3 hours later I tried to nibble some more and it took all my strength to make it to the restroom before losing it.
One thing I have learned is once you... lose it. Its pretty quick to go back to normal and go about your business. For that I am very thankful.
After a few more hours I was beyond ready for a little something. So I broke down and asked my husband to run to the opposite side of the park where we had seen a "Healthy" frozen yogurt shop (Sweet Frogs) and see if they had anything Sugar free that I could get. After much waiting he returned victorious! He brought a sugar free vanilla frozen yogurt with crushed peanuts and diced strawberries. I do not think I have ever loved that man as much as I did when that first spoonful hit my stomach. It was heavenly! I ate what I needed to and gave the rest to my son. I think I easily could have eaten the whole small cup but lets not push it!
The way home went without a hitch. Same snacks going back that I had come down. With the exception of a detour to pick up the cutest puppy.
This was a great weekend. But it definitely taught me to research the food options a little further if possible before going.